#Project goals https://recens.tk.hu/en/digital-data-collection-through-data-donation #File description readme-files-629.txt - description of files in the repository data collection process-629.pdf -Detailed description of the data collection process readme_survey.txt - Description of the survey sampling, the fieldwork and the weighting survey_datadonation_R-629.Rdata -survey data in Rdata format - The Rdata file is a "labelled" data frame. We suggest to use the SJ package family for the data analysis. survey_datadonation_SPSS-629.spss -survey data in SPSS format survey_datadonation_questionnaire-629.pdf -Questionnaire of the survey google_site_visit_R-629.Rdata -aggregated domain visit data from the Google data collection -Data filtered to 2020-2022 time period -We only kept those domains, which were visited at least 20 people between 2020-22 -format: tibble YouTube_datadonation_R-629.Rdata -This file contains three datasets -format: tibble -yt_view - This file contains all YouTube viewing activity parsed from the Google DDP'a - number of rows: 8 690 581 - this file could be linked to the survey through "respondent_id" -yt_video_meta - video level meta data downloaded with youTube-v3-api - data was downloaded in 2023/Q4 and 2024/Q1 - number of rows: 3 137 668 - this file could be linked to the yt_view through "video_id" -yt_channel_meta - channel level meta data downloaded with youTube-v3-api - data was downloaded in 2023/Q4 and 2024/Q1 - number of rows: 759 682 - this file could be linked to the yt_view through "channel_id" facebook_datadonation__indicators_SPSS-629.sav -Indicators extracted from the FB DDP's on respondent level. -Data filtered to 2018-2023 time period readme_facebook_datadonation.txt - documentation of the variables in "facebook_datadonation__indicators_SPSS-629.sav" file facebook_pages_interaction_R-629.Rdata -aggregated page like/follow/reaction data from the FB data collection -Data filtered to 2020-2022 time period -We only kept those FB pages (5400), which got interactions from at least 10 people between 2020-22 -format: tibble