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Number of items: 54.


Abadi, David and Arnaldo, Irene and Fischer, Agneta (2021) Anxious and Angry: Emotional Responses to the COVID-19 Threat. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 (676116).

Albert, Fruzsina and Dávid, Beáta (2021) Interpersonal relationships in Hungary. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.


Baloge, Martin and Hubé, Nicolas (2021) France: Governmental unpreparedness as a discursive opportunity for populists. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Bartha, Attila and Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. and Katsikas, Dimitris and Pap, András László and Tóth, Mihály and Halász, Bálint and Žvaliauskas, Giedrius and Morkevičius, Vaidas and Butkevičienė, Eglė and Lipiński, Artur and Školkay, Andrej and Daniš, Igor and Vass-Vígh, Veronika and Krešić, Boris and Turanjanin, Veljko and Mihajlović, Borko and Sahin, Osman (2021) Populist Governance and Policies in Europe. Working Paper. -.

Bene, Márton and Boda, Zsolt (2021) Democratic Efficacy and Populist Attitudes: A Conceptual and Empirical Exploration. In: Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies. HBS Prague, pp. 65-78. ISBN 978-80-88289-26-5

Bene, Márton and Boda, Zsolt (2021) Hungary: Crisis as usual - Populist governance and the pandemic. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Bertero, Arturo (2021) The COVID-19 Related Communication of Italian Politicians and Its Success on Facebook. In: Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies. HBS Prague, pp. 79-94. ISBN 978-80-88289-26-5

Bertero, Arturo (2021) Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Populist Leaders in Italy. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 51-65. ISSN 2585-8459

Bertero, Arturo and Seddone, Antonella (2021) Italy: Populist in the mirror, (de)politicizing the COVID-19 from government and opposition. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Biermann, Jan and Hüning, Hendrik and Mechtenberg, Lydia (2021) How to talk about an out-group: Effects on in-group trust and out-group generosity. Working Paper. SSRN.

Bobba, Giuliano and Hubé, Nicolas (2021) Between mitigation and dramatization: The effect of the COVID-19 crisis on populists’ discourses and strategies. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Bobba, Giuliano and Hubé, Nicolas (2021) COVID-19 and Populism: A Sui Generis Crisis. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Boda, Zsolt (2021) Paradoxes of populism in the pandemic and beyond: A commentary on Rogers Brubaker’s essay. Intersections. EEJSP, 7 (3). ISSN 2416-089X

Boda, Zsolt (2021) Polarization and the disintegration of the polity. Reflections on populism and the future of liberal democracies. In: The future of liberal democracies: The rise of populism, 4 February 2021, Online webinar organised by the Hungarian Europe Society. (Unpublished)

Boda, Zsolt (2021) The effect of political regimes on policy agendas: A theoretical framework. In: Policy Agendas in Autocracy, and Hybrid Regimes - The Case of Hungary. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 19-32. ISBN 978-3-030-73222-6


Císař, Ondřej and Kubát, Michal (2021) Czech Republic: Running the State like a Family Business. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6


DEMOS H2020, (2021) DEMOS-ANNUAL REPORT, 2020/21. Project Report. -.

Darminova, Nasiya (2021) Rule of law vs. Poland and Hungary – An inconsistent approach? Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies, 60 (3). pp. 236-259. ISSN 2560-1067


Fejős, Zoltán and Kovács, Éva and Gyurgyík, László and Vasik, János and Kádek, Kata and Németh, Szilvia (2021) Shifting Identities in Mixed Marriages - The Case of the Population of Koice (Slovakia) in the 20th Century. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.


Gruszczynski, Lukasz and Friedery, Réka and Crescenzi, Andrea and Dimitriadi, Angeliki and du Vall, Katarzyna and Forastiero, Rosita and Körtvélyesi, Zsolt and Školkay, Andrej and Szép, Viktor (2021) The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies - The Case of (Im)migration. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Gárdos, Judit and Bukovics, István and Egyed-Gergely, Júlia and Horváth, Anna and Meiszterics, Enikő (2021) ELKH Data Repository Project. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Koltai, Júlia and Németh, Renáta and Szigeti, Ákos and Barna, Ildikó and Géring, Zsuzsanna and Kmetty, Zoltán and Sik, Domonkos and Ring, Orsolya and Bodor, Péter (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 9. alkalom: A szövegbányászat perspektívája a szociológia kutatásban. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Németh, Renáta and Czibere, Ibolya and Egri, Krisztina and Füzér, Katalin and Hegedűs, Péter and Köllő, János and Meiszterics, Enikő and Messing, Vera and Pillók, Péter and Holl, András (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 11. alkalom: Szociológiai kutatási adatok Magyarországon. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Németh, Renáta and Németh, Krisztina and Tamáska, Máté and Vigvári, András and Zolnay, János (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 8. alkalom: Miért és hogyan (ne) anonimizáljunk? [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Rudas, Tamás and Németh, Renáta and Ferenczi, Tamás (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 10. alkalom: Oksági következtetések: a statisztikaelmélettől a társadalomtudományi alkalmazásokig és vissza. [Data Collection]

Gárdos Orosz, Fruzsina (2021) Two Influential Concepts: Socialist Legality and Constitutional Identity and Their Impact on the Independence of the Judiciary. German Law Journal, 22 (SI 7). 1327 -1343.

Gárdos Orosz, Fruzsina (2021) The reference to constitutional traditions in populist constitutionalism – The case of Hungary. Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies. ISSN 2560-1067


Horváthy, Balázs and Szép, Viktor (2021) Populist policy positions in the European Parliament - The Eurozone Crisis. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Hubé, Nicolas and Baloge, Martin (2021) France: Two Separate Populist Parties; Two Separate Networks and One Go-Between Group. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 22-34. ISSN 2585-8459

Huguet-Cabot, Pere-Lluís and Abadi, David and Fischer, Agneta and Shutova, Ekaterina (2021) Us vs. Them: A Dataset of Populist Attitudes, News Bias and Emotions. In: Proceedings of the 16th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Main Volume, Anthology ID:2021.eacl-main.165. Association for Computational Linguistics, EACL, pp. 1921-1945.

Hüning, Hendrik and Mechtenberg, Lydia and Wang, Stephanie W. (2021) Detecting argumentative discourse in online chat experiments. Working Paper. -.


Karamanidou, Lena (2021) Populist Parties: Migration Policy and Discourses in the European Parliament. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Karamanidou, Lena and Sahin, Osman (2021) Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Nigel Farage and the UKIP Party in the UK. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 127-146. ISSN 2585-8459


Lembcke, Oliver W. (2021) Germany: The AfD’s Staggering between Reason and Resistance. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Lembcke, Oliver W. (2021) Mapping Policy Patterns of Populist Parties. A Quantitative Cross-Country Analysis. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Lipiński, Artur (2021) Information Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Populist Leaders and Populist Parties in Poland. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 66-83. ISSN 2585-8459

Lipiński, Artur (2021) Poland: ‘If we don't elect the President, the country will plunge into chaos’. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Lironi, Elisa and Nahr, Hendrik and Nugent, Rhys (2021) Civic Strategies Addressing Populism - Initiatives to safeguard liberal democracies. Working Paper. -.


Magre, Jaume and Medir, Lluis and Pano, Esther (2021) Spain: Is ideology back in populist discourse? In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Marincea, Adina and Školkay, Andrej and Baloge, Martin and Bertero, Arturo and Bobba, Giuliano and Hubé, Nicolas and Lipiński, Artur and Mancosu, Moreno and Matic, Dejan and Sahin, Osman and Tsatsanis, Emmanouil and Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. (2021) Populism and Social Media: A comparative analysis of populists’ shared content and networks on Facebook. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Mechtenberg, Lydia and Perino, Grischa and Treich, Nicolas and Tyran, Jean-Robert and Wang, Stephanie W. (2021) Self-Signaling in Moral Voting. Working Paper. -, Discussion Paper Series, CEPR Centre for Economic Policy Research, London, UK.

Mejstřík, Martin (2021) Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies. Heinrich Böll Stiftung.

Mejstřík, Martin and Kubát, Michal and Baloge, Martin and Dobos, Gábor and Hubé, Nicolas and Hüning, Hendrik and Lipiński, Artur and Magre, Jaume and Medir, Lluís and Pano, Esther and Školkay, Andrej (2021) Impacts of Populism on the Party Systems. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)


Pano, Esther and Medir, Lluís and Magre, Jaume and Havlik, Vlastimil and Dobos, Gábor and Belluati, Marinella and Bobba, Giuliano and Roncarolo, Franca and Seddone, Antonella and Sahin, Osman (2021) Populist Governance in Regional and Local Governments. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)


Sahin, Osman (2021) How populists securitize elections to win them: the 2015 double elections in Turkey. New Perspectives on Turkey. pp. 1-24. ISSN 1305-3299

Sahin, Osman (2021) Media Sources Shared on Facebook and Networking by Erdoğan and the AKP in Turkey. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 111-126. ISSN 2585-8459

Sahin, Osman and Ianosev, Bogdan (2021) UK: Between managed moderation and far-right conspiracy theories. In: Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN 978-3-030-66011-6, DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-66011-6

Sahin, Osman and Vegetti, Federico and Korkut, Umut and Bobba, Giuliano and Mancosu, Moreno and Seddone, Antonella and Stępińska, Agnieszka and Bennett, Samuel and Lipiński, Artur and Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. and Tsatsanis, Manos and Mitsikostas, Alexia and Árendás, Zsuzsanna and Messing, Vera and Hubé, Nicolas and Baloge, Martin (2021) Citizens’ Reactions to Populism in Europe: How do target groups respond to the populist challenge? Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. (2021) Populism, Party Politics and the Economic Crisis in Greece: a Comparison with the case of Portugal. In: Greece and the Euro: from crisis to recovery. Hellenic Observatory, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.,, pp. 252-282.

Szente, Zoltán (2021) The Twilight of Parliament – Parliamentary Law and Practice in Hungary in Populist Times. International Journal of Parliamentary Studies, 1 (1). pp. 127-145. ISSN 2666-8912


Školkay, Andrej (2021) The Cause and Retort of Populism: A Formal Political Reasoning (Politics) Without Distinct Ideology as a Response to a Political-Moral Crisis – Turning Laclau’s Theory into a Research Tool. In: Current Populism in Europe: Gender-Backlash and Counter-strategies. HBS Prague, pp. 95-113. ISBN 978-80-88289-26-5

Školkay, Andrej (2021) Populism and Social Media: An introduction into meta-theory; Studia Politica Slovaca, 2-3/2021, Special Issue. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 5-21. ISSN 2585-8459

Školkay, Andrej and Marincea, Adina (2021) Information sources shared on Facebook and networking by populist leaders and populist parties in Slovakia. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 84-110. ISSN 2585-8459

Školkay, Andrej and Marincea, Adina (2021) Media sources shared and networking on Facebook. A comparative perspective. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 147-165. ISSN 2585-8459

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