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Abadi, David and Arnaldo, Irene and Fischer, Agneta (2021) Anxious and Angry: Emotional Responses to the COVID-19 Threat. Frontiers in Psychology, 12 (676116).

Abadi, David and Bertlich, Tisa and Dalege, Jonas and Fischer, Agneta (2024) Connecting the Dots with Causal Attitude Network (CAN): A Psychological Network Approach to Populist Attitudes, Nativism, Conspiracy Mentality and Threat Appraisals. Measurement: Interdisciplinary Research and Perspectives. pp. 1-25.

Abadi, David and Bertlich, Tisa and Duyvendak, Jan Willem and Fischer, Agneta (2024) Populism Versus Nativism: Socio-Economic, Socio-Cultural, and Emotional Predictors. American Behavioral Scientist. ISSN 1552-3381

Abadi, David and Prooijen, Jan Willem and Krouwel, André and Fischer, Agneta (2024) Anti-establishment sentiments: realistic and symbolic threat appraisals predict populist attitudes and conspiracy mentality. Cognition and Emotion.

Acsády, Judit (2020) The Woman. Feminist Journal Correspondence, editorial strategies and networks of subscribers, 1914–1927. Per Aspera Ad Astra, VII (2). ISSN 2064-6038

Acsády, Judit (2012) The Gendered Construction of ‘Care' after the Transition in Hungary. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Albert, Fruzsina (2012) A 15 és 20 év közötti fiatalok és szüleik társadalmi beágyazottsága és annak hatása a testi-lelki egészségre 2001- 2003. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Albert, Fruzsina and Brys, Zoltán and Békés, Vera and Zsigmond, Csilla and Vitrai, József and Kopasz, Marianna and Husz, Ildikó and Kiss, Márta and Dávid, Beáta and Gerdán, Mercédesz (2023) Understanding vaccination intention in various social contexts. [Data Collection]

Albert, Fruzsina and Dávid, Beáta (2021) Interpersonal relationships in Hungary. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Antal Z., László and Ferencz, Zoltán (2017) The risks of strong sunlight and heat, and the possibility of prevention in Hungary. [Data Collection]


Baloge, Martin and Hubé, Nicolas (2022) How populist are populist parties in France? Understanding parties’ strategies within a systemic approach. European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, 9 (1). pp. 62-82. ISSN 2325-4815

Balogh, Lídia and Szontagh, Veronika (2022) SOCIAL PROBLEMS IN HUNGARY (2010-2018), in the light of publications related to the Centre for Social Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Documentation. -, TK KDK.

Bene, Márton Does context matter? A cross-country investigation of the effects of the media context on external and internal political efficacy (accepted manuscript at International Journal of Comparative Sociology).

Bene, Márton and Boda, Zsolt (2023) A safety net against populism? An investigation of the interaction effect of political efficacy and democratic capacities on populist attitudes. Political Research Exchange.

Biermann, Jan and Hüning, Hendrik and Mechtenberg, Lydia (2021) How to talk about an out-group: Effects on in-group trust and out-group generosity. Working Paper. SSRN.

Bobba, Giuliano and Seddone, Antonella and Mancosu, Moreno and Kocián, Jiří and Mejstřík, Martin and Baloge, Martin and Hubé, Nicolas and Stępińska, Agnieszka and Bennett, Samuel and Lipiński, Artur and Školkay, Andrej and Magre, Jaume and Pano, Esther and Medir, Lluís (2022) Between normalisation and polarisation - Media populism in comparative perspective. Working Paper. -, TK-KDK (CSS-RDC).

Boda, Zsolt (2022) Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe - Selected Findings. -.

Boda, Zsolt (2019) Democratic Efficacy and the Varieties of Populism in Europe. [Data Collection]

Boda, Zsolt (2016) Institutional trust and the efficiency of policy measures is Hungary 2015. [Data Collection]

Boda, Zsolt (2021) Paradoxes of populism in the pandemic and beyond: A commentary on Rogers Brubaker’s essay. Intersections. EEJSP, 7 (3). ISSN 2416-089X

Boda, Zsolt and Butkevičienė, Eglė and Mancosu, Moreno and Morkevičius, Vaidas and Attila, Papp Z. (2022) Democratic Efficacy and Schools - Curricula, Institutions, and Attitudes. Working Paper. -.

Boda, Zsolt and Gorczeski, Vinicius (2022) DEMOS-ANNUAL REPORT, 2021/2022. Project Report. Centre for Social Sciences.

Boda, Zsolt and Szabó, Gabriella (2013) Confidence in justice. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Bálint, Adrienn (2023) Surveys on the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic among businesses in Hungary. [Data Collection]

Bárdi, Nándor and Márton, János and Papp Z., Attila (2024) Szekler self-construction in the 19th-20th centuries. [Data Collection]


Csizmady, Adrienne and Albert, Fruzsina and Brys, Zoltán and Dávid, Beáta and Gárdos, Judit and Illéssy, Miklós and Messing, Vera and Sipos, Alexandra and Szalma, Ivett and Szirmai, Viktória and Szczuka, Borbála and Takács, Judit (2022) Data from the exploratory online survey on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic among the Hungarian population aged 18-65. [Data Collection]

Csurgó, Bernadett and Gárdos, Judit and Kerényi, Szabina and Kovács, Éva and Micsik, András (2022) Dissidents, Rebels, and Everyday Heroes: New Perspectives on the Digital Archiving of Cultural Resistance Under State Socialism. East European Politics and Societies: and Cultures. ISSN 1533-8371


DEMOS H2020, (2021) DEMOS-ANNUAL REPORT, 2020/21. Project Report. -.

Dobos, Balázs and Vass, Ágnes and Beretka, Katinka and Bogdán, Andrea and Tóth, Mihály and Varga, Péter (2024) The comparative study of the legal status of minorities in Central Europe. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Dávid, Beáta (2012) Migration potential of Roma and importance of personal network in migration of Roma. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Dávid, Beáta and Albert, Fruzsina and Tóth, Olga and Husz, Ildikó and Hegedűs, Réka (2011) The Born and Unborn Children of the 1989 Transition: the Effects of the Socio-cultural Circumstances of Giving Birth on Demographic Processes. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.


Feischmidt, Margit and Acsády, Judit and Durst, Judit and Neumann, Eszter and Horváth, György and Papp Z., Attila and Sik, Domonkos and Sütő, Zsuzsanna and Zakariás, Ildikó and Zentai, Viola and Zsigmond, Csilla (2024) Solidarity as an answer to the crisis caused by the pandemic: actions and discourses. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Ferencz, Zoltán and Antal, Z. László and Páldy, Anna (2023) Climate change and health- 2th wave. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Ferencz, Zoltán and Csizmady, Adrienne (2018) Energy consumption. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Fokasz, Nikosz and Előd, Zoltán and Félix, Anikó and Gerő, Márton and Hajdú, Gábor and Jelenfi, Gábor and Kmetty, Zoltán and Kopper, Ákos and Micsinai, István and Susánszky, Pál and Tardos, Róbert and Tóth, Gergely (2017) Crisis and Social Innovation Survey. [Data Collection]


Gajduschek, György (2015) Smoking at Budapest bus stops. [Data Collection]

Gajduschek, György and Péter, Zoltán The knowledge on law of the Hungarian population, 2013 -- theoretical and empirical analysis. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Gajduschek, György and Péter, Zoltán (2016) The knowledge on law of the Hungarian population, 2015- theoretical and empirical analysis. [Data Collection]

Galántai, Júlia (2012) Idős nők partner általi bántalmazása. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Gruszczynski, Lukasz and Friedery, Réka (2023) The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies: The Case of (Im)migration (2015-2018). [Data Collection]

Gruszczynski, Lukasz and Friedery, Réka and Crescenzi, Andrea and Dimitriadi, Angeliki and du Vall, Katarzyna and Forastiero, Rosita and Körtvélyesi, Zsolt and Školkay, Andrej and Szép, Viktor (2021) The Populist Challenge of Common EU Policies - The Case of (Im)migration. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Győri, Ágnes and Ádám, Szilvia and Balogh, Karolina and Bauer, Zsófia and Elek, Zsuzsanna Réka and Farkas, Zsombor and Huszár, Ákos and Perpék, Éva (2023) To help or to be helped? Professional working conditions, mental health and mobility in the social sector. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Gárdos, Judit (2012) CSS, Research Documentation Center, deposit form. -. (Unpublished) Item availability may be restricted.

Gárdos, Judit and Egyed-Gergely, Júlia and Horváth, Anna and Micsik, András and Kovács, László and Martin, Dániel and Marx, Attila and Meiszterics, Enikő and Pataki, Balázs and Siket, Melinda and Vajda, Róza (2023) A thematic exploration of textual research resources in CSS data repositories. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Koltai, Júlia and Németh, Renáta and Szigeti, Ákos and Barna, Ildikó and Géring, Zsuzsanna and Kmetty, Zoltán and Sik, Domonkos and Ring, Orsolya and Bodor, Péter (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 9. alkalom: A szövegbányászat perspektívája a szociológia kutatásban. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Németh, Renáta and Czibere, Ibolya and Egri, Krisztina and Füzér, Katalin and Hegedűs, Péter and Köllő, János and Meiszterics, Enikő and Messing, Vera and Pillók, Péter and Holl, András (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 11. alkalom: Szociológiai kutatási adatok Magyarországon. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Németh, Renáta and Durst, Judit and Katona, Noémi and Pulay, Gergely and Sík, Endre (2019) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 7. alkalom: A második gazdaságtól a prekariátusig. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Németh, Renáta and Németh, Krisztina and Tamáska, Máté and Vigvári, András and Zolnay, János (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 8. alkalom: Miért és hogyan (ne) anonimizáljunk? [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Rudas, Tamás and Németh, Renáta and Ferenczi, Tamás (2021) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 10. alkalom: Oksági következtetések: a statisztikaelmélettől a társadalomtudományi alkalmazásokig és vissza. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Szakadát, István and Durst, Judit and Kovács, Éva and Nagy, Veronika (2017) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 4. alkalom: Terepjárók. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Szakadát, István and Kisfalusi, Dorottya and Koltai, Júlia and Németh, Renáta and Bartus, Tamás (2017) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 5. alkalom: Minden, amit tudni akartál a logisztikus regresszióról, de nem merted megkérdezni. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Szakadát, István and Kovai, Cecília and Udvarhelyi, Tessza and Katona, Noémi (2017) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 6. alkalom: Tudomány és aktivizmus. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Szakadát, István and Kovács, Éva and Molnár, Virág and Zombory, Máté (2016) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 2. alkalom: Résztvevők - Az esettanulmány. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Szakadát, István and Németh, Renáta and Bartus, Tamás and Ferenci, Tamás (2016) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 1. alkalom: A statisztikai szignifikanciateszt rítusa. [Data Collection]

Gárdos, Judit and Janky, Béla and Szakadát, István and Németh, Renáta and Wessely, Anna and Benda, Klára and Kovai, Cecília and Sik, Domonkos (2016) Módszeresen vitasorozat - 3. alkalom: Elmélet és empíria. [Data Collection]


Horváth, Anna and Szöllősi, Melinda and Annus, Szabolcs (2023) Subject headings and the word. Machine processing of interview collections at the Centre for Social Sciences. [Data Collection]

Hungler, Sára and Ring, Orsolya and Tóth, Kinga (2024) Social Innovation in the legal practive: coaching action research in occupational safety and health. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Husz, Ildikó and Medgyesi, Márton and Kopasz, Marianna and Győri, Ágnes and Bartus, Tamás (2024) Investigation of the quality of the social service system. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Hüning, Hendrik (2022) Schools’ We‑mentality and Students’ Civic Engagement – A Text‑based Approach. Child Indicators Research. ISSN 1874-8988

Hüning, Hendrik (2022) Schools’ we-mentality and students’ civic engagement - A text-based approach. Working Paper. -.

Hüning, Hendrik and Mechtenberg, Lydia and Wang, Stephanie W. (2022) Detecting arguments and their positions in experimental communication data. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Hüning, Hendrik and Mechtenberg, Lydia and Wang, Stephanie W. (2022) Exiting the Echo Chamber: Can Discussions in Randomly Formed Groups Change Opinions and Votes? Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)


Jakab, András and Boda, Zsolt and Gajduschek, György (2015) Public Policies and the Legal Environment. [Data Collection]

Jakab, András and Dyevre, Arthur and Itzcovich, Giulio (2015) CONREASON – The Comparative Constitutional Reasoning Project. [Data Collection]

Jakab, András and Szalai, Ákos (2015) The Legal System as the Infrastructure of Economic Development. [Data Collection]

Jakab, András and Szilágyi, Emese (2015) The Legal System Viewed from Within. [Data Collection]

Janky, Béla (2013) Stereotypes and welfare preferences. [Data Collection]

Janky, Béla and Kmetty, Zoltán (2017) Explaining welfare attitudes: general moral principles, issue framing and survey design. [Data Collection]


Karamanidou, Lena (2021) Populist Parties: Migration Policy and Discourses in the European Parliament. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Keller, Tamás and Janky, Béla and Boda, Zsolt (2022) Group Norms and Policy Preferences: From Bullying to Populist Attitudes. Working Paper. -.

Kisfalusi, Dorottya and Hermann, Zoltán and Keller, Tamás (2022) Discrimination in teacher assesment. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kisfalusi, Dorottya and Vit, Eszter and Samu, Flóra and Takács, Károly (2024) The Effect of Discrimination on Student Effort: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kiss, Márta and Perpék, Éva and Nagy, Zita Éva and Csurgó, Bernadett and Szerepi, Anna and Forrai, Erzsébet and Riz, András (2024) Conditions for sustainability in the six sub-regions of the EFOP 1.4.2 Childcare programme. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kmetty, Zoltán and Koltai, Júlia and Stefkovics, Ádám and Rakovics, Zsófia and Knap, Árpád and Váradi, Bendegúz (2024) Digital Data Collection through Data Donation. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kmetty, Zoltán and Németh, Renáta and Vancsó, Anna and Váry, Dániel and Knap, Árpád and Boros, Krisztián and Mogyorósi, Pálma (2022) Text analytics and Social Media research. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kmetty, Zoltán and Stefkovics, Ádám and Számely, Júlia and Deng, Dongning and Kellner, Anikó and Pauló, Edit and Omodei, Elisa and Koltai, Júlia (2023) Determinants of willingness to donate data from social media platforms in the US and Hungary. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kopasz, Marianna and Balogh, Karolina and Husz, Ildikó and Kiss, Márta and Medgyesi, Márton and Susánszky, Pál (2023) Child protection in schools: the factors driving school personnel's reporting behaviour. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Building New Relationships in Rural Areas under Urban Pressure. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) A Cognitiv Approach to Rural Sustainable Development. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Gazdasági elitfelvétel Magyarországon. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Gazdasági elitfelvétel, Erdély. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Governance, Infrastructure, Lifestyle Dynamics and Energy Demand: European Post-Carbon Communities. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Halmozottan hátrányos helyzetű kistérségek felzárkóztatása. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Kisebbségi elitfelvétel. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Kulturális elitfelvétel. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Kulturális elitfelvétel Erdélyben. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Kulturális elitfelvétel Szlovákiában. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Politikai elitfelvétel Magyarország. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre (2012) Vidék 2004 – A vidék gazdasági és társadalmi helyzete. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Kovách, Imre and Csurgó, Bernadett and Megyesi, Boldizsár and Nagy Kalamász, Ildikó (2013) Rural areas 2005 - The socioeconomic situation of Hungarian rural areas. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kovách, Imre and Kristóf, Luca and Megyesi, Boldizsár and Nagy, Ildikó and Csite, András (2013) Civil Forums in cooperation with Regional Development Councils. [Data Collection]

Kovách, Imre and Kuczi, Tibor The transformation of local society and agriculture. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kreko, Peter and Orosz, Gábor and Faragó, Laura and Paskuj, Benedek (2022) Building an Immune System Against Fake News - Intervention Toolkit to Spot Disinformation. Other. -. (Unpublished)

Krešić, Boris (2020) Populism and pronatality policy with reference to BIH. Archive for Legal and Social Sciences, 2 (1). pp. 25-37.

Kristóf, Luca and Csurgó, Bernadett and Kovách, Imre (2022) Circulation and Dissent in the Hungarian Cultural Elite. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Kulcsár, Kálmán (1967) Analysis of Knowledge about the Law. MTA Állam- és Jogtudományi Intézete, Budapest.


Lembcke, Oliver W. (2021) Mapping Policy Patterns of Populist Parties. A Quantitative Cross-Country Analysis. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Lipiński, Artur and Szabó, Gabriella (2022) Heroisation and victimisation: populism, commemorative narratives and National Days in Hungary and Poland. Journal of Contemporary European Studies. ISSN 1478-2790


Marincea, Adina and Školkay, Andrej and Baloge, Martin and Bertero, Arturo and Bobba, Giuliano and Hubé, Nicolas and Lipiński, Artur and Mancosu, Moreno and Matic, Dejan and Sahin, Osman and Tsatsanis, Emmanouil and Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. (2021) Populism and Social Media: A comparative analysis of populists’ shared content and networks on Facebook. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Medve-Bálint, Gergő (2015) Converging on Divergence: The Political Economy of Uneven Regional Development in East Central Europe. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Meiszterics, Enikő and Farkas, Hilda Henrietta and Horváth, Anna and Egyed-Gergely, Júlia OTKA 2024 kutatásiadat-kezelési terv bemutató anyagai. [Data Collection]

Mejstřík, Martin and Kubát, Michal and Baloge, Martin and Dobos, Gábor and Hubé, Nicolas and Hüning, Hendrik and Lipiński, Artur and Magre, Jaume and Medir, Lluís and Pano, Esther and Školkay, Andrej (2021) Impacts of Populism on the Party Systems. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Messing, Vera and Vidra, Zsuzsanna and Oláh, Adél and Miskolczi, Bernadett and Raptis, András (2024) The representation of the arrival of the Ukrainian refugees in 2022 in the Hungarian media. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Micsik, András and Gárdos, Judit (2014) Scientific repositories at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences: the Research Documentation Centre and SZTAKI. In: Informatika a felsőoktatásban 2014. Debreceni Egyetem Informatikai Kar. ISBN 978-963-473-712-4


Neményi, Mária (2012) EDUMIGROM. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Neményi, Mária (2012) A fogyatékossághoz vezető út. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.


Oross, Dániel and Boda, Zsolt and Nahr, Hendrik and Lironi, Elisa and Kavrakova, Assya (2022) Does Deliberative Democracy Wane Populist Sentiments? Measuring democratic efficacy at citizens’ assemblies in Eastern and Western Europe. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Orosz, Gábor and Faragó, Laura and Paskuj, Benedek and Krekó, Péter (2024) Strategies to combat misinformation: Enduring effects of a 15-minute online intervention on critical-thinking adolescents. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 159. ISSN 0747-5632

Orosz, Gábor and Faragó, Laura and Paskuj, Benedek and Rakovics, Zsófia and Sam-Mine, Diane and Audemard, Gilles and Modeliar, Mouny Samy and Krekó, Péter (2024) Softly empowering a prosocial expert in the family: lasting effects of a counter-misinformation intervention in an informational autocracy. Scientific Reports. ISSN 2045-2322

Orosz, Gábor and Paskuj, Benedek and Faragó, Laura and Krekó, Peter (2023) A prosocial fake news intervention with durable effects. Scientific Reports.


Pano, Esther and Medir, Lluís and Magre, Jaume and Havlik, Vlastimil and Dobos, Gábor and Belluati, Marinella and Bobba, Giuliano and Roncarolo, Franca and Seddone, Antonella and Sahin, Osman (2021) Populist Governance in Regional and Local Governments. Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Perpék, Éva and Husz, Ildikó and Fekete, Attila and Bauer, Zsófia (2024) Assessing the Situation, Needs, and Requirements of Children and Their Families. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.


Sahin, Osman and Ianosev, Bogdan and Vegetti, Federico and Korkut, Umut and Bobba, Giuliano and Mancosu, Moreno and Seddone, Antonella and Lipiński, Artur and Hubé, Nicolas and Baloge, Martin and Andreu, Josep Maria Castellà and Puey, Esther Pano and Bennett, Samuel and Stępińska, Agnieszka (2022) Why do people agree with populists? A comparative study on attitudes and social media use. Working Paper. -, TK-KDK (CSS-RDC).

Sahin, Osman and Vegetti, Federico and Korkut, Umut and Bobba, Giuliano and Mancosu, Moreno and Seddone, Antonella and Stępińska, Agnieszka and Bennett, Samuel and Lipiński, Artur and Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. and Tsatsanis, Manos and Mitsikostas, Alexia and Árendás, Zsuzsanna and Messing, Vera and Hubé, Nicolas and Baloge, Martin (2021) Citizens’ Reactions to Populism in Europe: How do target groups respond to the populist challenge? Working Paper. -. (Unpublished)

Szabó, Gabriella (2015) New roads in European public public sphere and the European debate on Hungarian media law. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Szabó, Gabriella and Norocel, Ov Cristian and Neag, Annamaria and Kormos, Nikolett (2017) Mapping the radical right populism and their discourses in public spheres: the case of Romania and Hungary. [Data Collection]

Szabó, Gabriella and Szabó, Lilla Petronella and Kiss, Balázs and Egres, Dorottya and Burai, Krisztina (2024) Emotions and pandemic politics. Political emotion managers and their emotion regulation processes. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Szalai, Júlia (2012) Magyar Agora – Deliberatív Közvéleménykutatás a cigány-kérdésről. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szalai, Júlia (2012) Vállalkozók vagy polgárok? [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szalai, Júlia (2012) A jóléti költségvetés alakulása – módszertan a lakossági szükségletek mérésére. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szalai, Júlia (2012) A munka ideje – régen és most. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szalai, Júlia (2012) A szociális újraelosztás szerepe a többségi-kisebbségi feszültségek alakulásában az ezredforduló Magyarországán – a háztartások jövedelmi viszonyainak alakulása és a jóléti jövedelmek. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szalai, Júlia (2012) A szociális újraelosztás szerepe a többségi-kisebbségi feszültségek alakulásában az ezredforduló Magyarországán – szegény roma és nem-roma háztartások megélhetési viszonyai. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szalai, Júlia (2015) The role of social redistribution in the majority-minority tensions at the millenium in Hungary. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Szalai, Júlia and Horváth, Ágota (1978) Alternative Policies for Caring for Children under the Age of 3. The Hungarian Case. In: Child Care, Family Benefits and Working Parents (eds.: S. B. Kammerman and A. J. Kahn). Columbia University Press, 1981.

Szalma, Ivett and Kubinyi, Enikő and Udvari, Orsolya and Udvarhelyi-Tóth, Kata and Kispéter, Erika and Pélyi, Lóránt (2024) Possible links between companion animal ownership, relationship practices and reproduction. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szirmai, Viktória (2012) Egy új városfejlődési modell szerveződése? Átmenet és globalizáció a magyarországi ún. új városokban és térségeikben. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szirmai, Viktória (2012) Tatabánya és térsége (Tata és Oroszlány) társadalmi gazdasági kapcsolatrendszerei. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szirmai, Viktória (2020) Social polarization in the Hungarian and Eastern-Central European 'New Town' Regions. Impacts of Transition and Globalization. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Szirmai, Viktória (2012) Várostérségek, térbeli társadalmi egyenlőtlenségek és konfliktusok – Az európai versenyképesség térségi társadalmi tényezői. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Szirmai, Viktória (2012) A modern fogyasztási modelleket meghatározó társadalmi mechanizmusok és érdekviszonyok. A fenntartható területfogyasztás társadalmi és térbeli modellje. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.


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Takács, Judit (2012) Az apaszerepek változásai. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Takács, Károly and Flache, Andreas and Mäs, Michael (2016) Discrepancy, Disliking and Negative Opinion Shifts. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Tamás, Pál and Ferencz, Zoltán and Vári, Anna (2017) Társadalmi hatásvizsgálat a Balaton esetleges vízpótlási változataira. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Tardos, Katalin (2012) Az önkormányzati munkaerőpiac és a roma munkanélküliek ellátása. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Tardos, Katalin (2012) Employers’ Decisions on Recruiting the Unskilled – A Comparative Approach Across 6 European Countries. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Tardos, Katalin (2012) Munkaerő-piaci helyzetkép és az aktív foglalkoztatási eszközök működése Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén megyében. A vállalkozóvá válási támogatásban részesültek és a roma foglalkoztatási program résztvevőinek vizsgálata Sátoraljaújhely körzetében. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Tardos, Katalin (2012) Munkahelyi esélyegyenlőség és a vállalatok társadalmi felelősségvállalása – országos benchmark kutatás I. II. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

Tardos, Katalin (2013) Forms of occupational discrimination and their effects among the Roma and non-roma population. [Data Collection] Item availability may be restricted.

Tóth, Olga (2012) Domestic Violence against Males and Females across Europe. [Data Collection] Item not available from this repository.

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Školkay, Andrej (2021) Populism and Social Media: An introduction into meta-theory; Studia Politica Slovaca, 2-3/2021, Special Issue. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 5-21. ISSN 2585-8459

Školkay, Andrej and Marincea, Adina (2023) The Alternative Media-Information Sources “Liked” by the Populist Political Leaders in the Visegrad Group and Italy on Facebook: A Comparative Perspective. Mediální studia / Media Studies, 2023 (1). pp. 72-92. ISSN 2464-4846

Školkay, Andrej and Marincea, Adina (2021) Information sources shared on Facebook and networking by populist leaders and populist parties in Slovakia. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 84-110. ISSN 2585-8459

Školkay, Andrej and Marincea, Adina (2021) Media sources shared and networking on Facebook. A comparative perspective. Studia Politica Slovaca, 14 (2-3). pp. 147-165. ISSN 2585-8459

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