Number of items at this level: 147.
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Albert, Fruzsina and
Brys, Zoltán and
Békés, Vera and
Zsigmond, Csilla and
Vitrai, József and
Kopasz, Marianna and
Husz, Ildikó and
Kiss, Márta and
Dávid, Beáta and
Gerdán, Mercédesz
Understanding vaccination intention in various social contexts.
[Data Collection]
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Bobba, Giuliano and
Seddone, Antonella and
Mancosu, Moreno and
Kocián, Jiří and
Mejstřík, Martin and
Baloge, Martin and
Hubé, Nicolas and
Stępińska, Agnieszka and
Bennett, Samuel and
Lipiński, Artur and
Školkay, Andrej and
Magre, Jaume and
Pano, Esther and
Medir, Lluís
Between normalisation and polarisation - Media populism in comparative perspective.
Working Paper.
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Boda, Zsolt and
Szabó, Gabriella
Confidence in justice.
[Data Collection]
Item availability may be restricted.
Csizmady, Adrienne and
Albert, Fruzsina and
Brys, Zoltán and
Dávid, Beáta and
Gárdos, Judit and
Illéssy, Miklós and
Messing, Vera and
Sipos, Alexandra and
Szalma, Ivett and
Szirmai, Viktória and
Szczuka, Borbála and
Takács, Judit
Data from the exploratory online survey on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic among the Hungarian population aged 18-65.
[Data Collection]
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Feischmidt, Margit and
Acsády, Judit and
Durst, Judit and
Neumann, Eszter and
Horváth, György and
Papp Z., Attila and
Sik, Domonkos and
Sütő, Zsuzsanna and
Zakariás, Ildikó and
Zentai, Viola and
Zsigmond, Csilla
Solidarity as an answer to the crisis caused by the pandemic: actions and discourses.
[Data Collection]
Item not available from this repository.
Ferencz, Zoltán and
Csizmady, Adrienne
Energy consumption.
[Data Collection]
Item availability may be restricted.
Fokasz, Nikosz and
Előd, Zoltán and
Félix, Anikó and
Gerő, Márton and
Hajdú, Gábor and
Jelenfi, Gábor and
Kmetty, Zoltán and
Kopper, Ákos and
Micsinai, István and
Susánszky, Pál and
Tardos, Róbert and
Tóth, Gergely
Crisis and Social Innovation Survey.
[Data Collection]
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Gárdos, Judit and
Egyed-Gergely, Júlia and
Horváth, Anna and
Micsik, András and
Kovács, László and
Martin, Dániel and
Marx, Attila and
Meiszterics, Enikő and
Pataki, Balázs and
Siket, Melinda and
Vajda, Róza
A thematic exploration of textual research resources in CSS data repositories.
[Data Collection]
Item availability may be restricted.
Gárdos, Judit and
Janky, Béla and
Koltai, Júlia and
Németh, Renáta and
Szigeti, Ákos and
Barna, Ildikó and
Géring, Zsuzsanna and
Kmetty, Zoltán and
Sik, Domonkos and
Ring, Orsolya and
Bodor, Péter
Módszeresen vitasorozat - 9. alkalom: A szövegbányászat perspektívája a szociológia kutatásban.
[Data Collection]
Gárdos, Judit and
Janky, Béla and
Németh, Renáta and
Czibere, Ibolya and
Egri, Krisztina and
Füzér, Katalin and
Hegedűs, Péter and
Köllő, János and
Meiszterics, Enikő and
Messing, Vera and
Pillók, Péter and
Holl, András
Módszeresen vitasorozat - 11. alkalom: Szociológiai kutatási adatok Magyarországon.
[Data Collection]
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Kmetty, Zoltán and
Németh, Renáta and
Vancsó, Anna and
Váry, Dániel and
Knap, Árpád and
Boros, Krisztián and
Mogyorósi, Pálma
Text analytics and Social Media research.
[Data Collection]
Item availability may be restricted.
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Marincea, Adina and
Školkay, Andrej and
Baloge, Martin and
Bertero, Arturo and
Bobba, Giuliano and
Hubé, Nicolas and
Lipiński, Artur and
Mancosu, Moreno and
Matic, Dejan and
Sahin, Osman and
Tsatsanis, Emmanouil and
Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A.
Populism and Social Media: A comparative analysis of populists’ shared content and networks on Facebook.
Working Paper.
Mejstřík, Martin and
Kubát, Michal and
Baloge, Martin and
Dobos, Gábor and
Hubé, Nicolas and
Hüning, Hendrik and
Lipiński, Artur and
Magre, Jaume and
Medir, Lluís and
Pano, Esther and
Školkay, Andrej
Impacts of Populism on the Party Systems.
Working Paper.
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Neményi, Mária
[Data Collection]
Item not available from this repository.
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Pano, Esther and
Medir, Lluís and
Magre, Jaume and
Havlik, Vlastimil and
Dobos, Gábor and
Belluati, Marinella and
Bobba, Giuliano and
Roncarolo, Franca and
Seddone, Antonella and
Sahin, Osman
Populist Governance in Regional and Local Governments.
Working Paper.
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Sahin, Osman and
Ianosev, Bogdan and
Vegetti, Federico and
Korkut, Umut and
Bobba, Giuliano and
Mancosu, Moreno and
Seddone, Antonella and
Lipiński, Artur and
Hubé, Nicolas and
Baloge, Martin and
Andreu, Josep Maria Castellà and
Puey, Esther Pano and
Bennett, Samuel and
Stępińska, Agnieszka
Why do people agree with populists?
A comparative study on attitudes and social media use.
Working Paper.
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Sahin, Osman and
Vegetti, Federico and
Korkut, Umut and
Bobba, Giuliano and
Mancosu, Moreno and
Seddone, Antonella and
Stępińska, Agnieszka and
Bennett, Samuel and
Lipiński, Artur and
Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A. and
Tsatsanis, Manos and
Mitsikostas, Alexia and
Árendás, Zsuzsanna and
Messing, Vera and
Hubé, Nicolas and
Baloge, Martin
Citizens’ Reactions to Populism in Europe: How do target groups respond to the populist challenge?
Working Paper.
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This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 03:00:25 2025 CET.